Type vs Interface in Typescript

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Let's dig into the differences between Type and Interface in Typescript

For a basic usage, Type and Interface are interchangeable

interface Player {
name: string;
height: number;
weight: number;

const lebron: Player = {
name: 'Lebron james',
height: 7.3
weight: 20
type Player {
name: string;
height: number;
weight: number;

const lebron: Player = {
name: 'Lebron james',
height: 7.3
weight: 20

However, there are couple of differences between them. Let's see.

Duplicate Declaration

Interface can be declared multiple times and it will merge the properties. This concept is called as Declaration Merging in Typescript.

interface Player {
name: string;

interface Player {
height: number;

const kobe: Player = { // `name` and `height` are merged in Player interface
name: 'kobe',
height: 70

Meanwhile for Type, it will give an error Duplicate identifier 'Player2'

type Player2 = {
name: string;

type Player2 = {
height: number;

See Playground