Typescript: Destructuring Object

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In last post, we talked about destructuring array. In this post, we're going to talk about destructuring object in Typescript.

Old Way vs New Way

This how I used to do when accessing property in object.

let student = {
name: 'budi',
age: 17

let name = student.name;
let age = student.age

not bad! But in Typescript / ES6, we can do something better and cleaner like this

let student = {
name: 'budi',
age: 17

let { name, age } = student;
// name => budi
// age => 17

For { name, age }, each of them is the property name in student object. So, if you put non exist property, it will return undefined.

let student = {
name: 'budi',
age: 17

let { address } = student;

console.log(address); // undefined

Change Variable Name

We can also change the assigned name, for example instead of name, we want to assign the value to variable student_name

let student = {
name: 'budi',
age: 17

let { name: student_name } = student;

console.log(student_name); // 'budi'

We put the variable name that we want after the property name.

Default Value

Can we set default value? yes! we can. This is how to do it.

let student = {
name: 'budi',
age: 17

let { address = 'new york' } = student;

console.log(address); // 'new york'

Because address is not exist in student object, it uses the default value.

Complex Object

We got a very complicated student here

let student = {
name: { first_name: 'budi', last_name: 'irawan' },
age: 17,
phone: { mobile: '081', home: '081' }

let { name: { first_name }, phone: { home } } = student;

console.log(first_name); // 'budi'
console.log(home); // '081'

Catch the Rest

Surprisingly, destructuring object also supports rest assignment

let student = {
name: 'budi',
age: 17,
hobby: 'basketball',
address: 'new york'

let { name, ...other } = student;

console.log(other.age); // 17
console.log(other.hobby); // 'basketball'

Parameter Function

Destructuring can help to create a function with better parameter

let student = {
name: 'budi',
age: 17,
address: 'new york'

function printBasicInfo({ name, age, hobby = 'study' }) {
